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About Itay Beauty

Itay Mineral Makeup began with one simple idea:

Natural Beauty.

The idea that every woman on Earth is born beautiful—with a vision of grace and elegance that is all her own. With this in mind, we turned to the natural world around us for inspiration and found it in the rolling fields and infinite seas of the Italian landscape. The myriad shades of blue swimming in the Italian lagoons became the blues of our eyeshadow. The glowing summer sunsets inspired the rosy hues of our blush and the golden shades of our bronzers. The warm ochre tones of the earth itself and the crumbling marble buildings became the shades of our foundations.

We drew inspiration from the most beautiful place on Earth to create the most beautiful makeup on Earth.

Itay Mineral Makeup was created to enhance your natural beauty rather than cover it up with harsh chemicals and dyes. And we understand that no two women are exactly alike, that’s why our line of mineral makeup contains over 150 different colors individually designed to complement your own, unique brand of beauty. Because each and every woman deserves to feel like a goddess.

Beauty is all around us if you know where to look. Itay Mineral Makeup—make you so beautiful!!!

ITAY Beauty Mineral Cosmetics

Los Angeles California

By email: Business email address Info@ITAYbeauty.com By standard mail:

ITAY Beauty

Los Angeles California

By phone: 818-889-0469 (between 10 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. )


"ITAY BEAUTY MINERAL COSMETICS " is registered trademark

Shipping Information:

Shipping Costs Worldwide Buyers The shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of your order and the destination of shipping. To check this amount simply place the products you are planning to order into the shopping cart, proceed to check out, and enter the shipping address. Select your preferred shipping method (make sure to select the international shipping method for international orders). Once you proceed to the next screen your shipping cost will appear. You will be able to cancel or save your order before completing your purchase.

Shipping Policy We ship our orders within 1-2 business days once they are received, with the exception of Sundays and Federal Holidays. The USPS and FedEx will usually leave your package at your front door. If you are not comfortable with this, please send an email to Itaybeauty@gmail.com when you place your order so that we can request a signature upon delivery for you. You may need to pick up your package at the local shipping office if you have requested a signature and were not at home during the delivery attempt.

International Shipping Please allow 5-18 days for international orders to be delivered. Please remember, your package may be subject to import duties and/or taxes which will be the customer’s responsibility to pay. These fees will be assessed once your package reaches your country. You may contact your local customs office for further information.

Itay Mineral Make-Up begann mit einer einfacher Idee: Natürliche Schönheit. Die Idee, das jede Frau auf dieser Erde mit Schönheit geboren ist – mit einer Vision von Anmut und Eleganz, die ganz Ihre eigene ist. Mit diesem Gedanken wandten wir uns für Inspiration an die natürliche Welt um uns herum und fand sie in den rollenden Feldern und unendlichen Meeren der italienischen Landschaft. Die unzähligen blauen Schatten, die in den italienischen Lagunen schwimmen, wurde das Blau unseres Lidschatten. Die leuchtenden Sommer Sonnenuntergänge inspirierten die rosigen Farben unserer Rouges und die goldenen Farbtöne unserer bronzers. Die warmen Ocker-Töne der Erde ansich und die bröckelnden Gebäude aus Marmor wurden die Schatten unserer foundations. Wir zogen Inspiration von dem schönsten Platz auf der Erde, um das schönste Make-Up auf der Erde zu schaffen. Itay Mineral Make-up wurde geschaffen, um Ihre natürliche Schönheit zu erhöhen, statt sie mit Chemikalien und Farbstoffen zu bedecken. Und wir verstehen, dass keine zwei Frauen genau gleich sind, deshalb enthält unsere Linie des Mineralmake-Up's mehr als 150 verschiedene Farben, die individuell dafür entworfen sind, um Ihre eigene Schönheit und einzigartige Marke zu ergänzen.

Weil jede Frau es sich verdient sich wie eine wie eine Göttin zu fühlen. “Schönheit ist überall um uns herum, wenn Sie wissen, wo sie suchen müssen."

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